I HAVE PAINTINGS FOR SALE. Please contact me at fredericksegal@gmail.com
Saturday, January 27, 2007
This is a still life collage I made by cutting out the shapes in card, sticking them to a card surface and then painting them in acrylic paint and varnishing the result. It is a small collage, just 3" x 4".
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
I drew these three small pictures about 25 years ago, using an empty ballpoint pen to make the drawing by pressing hard on shoebox card, and then applying wax crayons over the indented sketch, starting with a yellow followed by progressively darker colours. As far as I know, nobody has ever tried this method of work before, probably because its size is limited and the end result is unpredictable.
In common with all Londoners I love the River Thames in all its variety, These paintings are of the river near St Pauls and the Tower. I went there one day and made copious sketches which I finished at home in my studio.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Some time ago I went through a phase of painting brightly coloured exotic-looking women, using acrylic and watercolour paint. Here are three examples.